International permaculture day

permaculture-gardenPermaculture is a design system for creating sustainable human environments. It is about designing households and communities that are productive, sustaining and largely self reliant and have minimal impact on the environment and today is International Permaculture Day, where a range of Permaculture events occur across the globe.

Open homes, gardens and farms, films, educational workshops and other activities provide an opportunity for the public to see positive Permaculture projects in action, to talk personally to the people living it and experience the Permaculture movement first hand.

Many people think of permaculture as limited to the garden; a way of using Nature’s lead in terms of what to plant where, and of ensuring nothing goes to waste, but permaculture is more than that – it’s a way of living sustainably so that we live a healthy life within our means whilst leaving a beautiful planet for future generations.

While permaculture DOES include edible landscapes designed to survive flood, drought and climate change, it encompases keeping chickens and ducks for meat and eggs, creating sustainable homes that combine state-of-the-art and traditional technologies and re-using perceived ‘waste’ such as food scraps for composting.

Permaculture includes architecture, animal husbandry, water harvesting, renewable energy, forestry, finance and legal systems.

Once you start to bring permaculture into your own life you take steps towards freedom and resilience. By learning how to  grow food and raise animals, reduce waste
and save water you become more self-reliant as well as reducing your environmental footprint.

It’s an opportunity to repair the planet in your own backyard. I couldn’t find this year’s video, so here’s last years for you to enjoy:


  1. Small Footprints on May 6, 2012 at 5:46 pm

    As I was reading through your post, it occurred to me that we (as a society) are coming full circle. People started out living in harmony with the environment … they had to in order to sustain their lives. Then things changed and we became industrialized and “progressive” … and we stopped living in harmony with the earth … and saw the problems it caused. Now, it seems we’re getting back to the “old ways”. It’s interesting to ponder! Thanks, Mrs. Green!

  2. Alicia@ eco friendly homemaking on May 9, 2012 at 1:57 pm

    Oh I am going to have to check into this some more. Sounds really interesting!

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