How To Control Light Levels In Your Home

how to control light levels at home


If you want to try and make your home as beautiful as possible, and to make it yours, there are a lot of things that you will probably want to focus on. And one of the main ones is that you are able to control the light levels in your home as finely as possible. If you are able to do that, not only can it improve the ambience of your space, but it can reduce stress too.

Install Blinds

If you want to have full control over how much natural light comes into the home, then you might want to install some blinds. You could do this on just one or two windows, to prevent obtrusive light coming in – say from street lighting. Or you might like to put them on the south side of the house to prevent too much heat coming in during summer months. Having blinds in your home is going to help you to have a much better control of light levels generally.

Consider Cutting Back Perennials

It might be that you have some plants in your garden that are blocking the light coming into your home. If you have any big plants or trees that are causing issues in this way, you might need to call in a tree lopping expert or have a tree cut back in some cases. If you can do that, you should find that it is going to help a great deal with being able to have more light in the home. Plus it can help reduce any potential problems with roots undermining your property.

Use Dimmer Switches

Of course, you can control artificial light far more easily than the weather or streetlighting! One simple way to have more command over your lighting is to use dimmer switches. If you are using LEDs, make sure they are compatible, otherwise they can flicker and buzz. You can also consider blue blocking bulbs so that you can help reset your circadian rhythm in the evenings, and hopefully sleep better too.


Skylights & More


Finally, you may want to consider whether you can have a skylight in your home – and if you can, then this is something that you will probably want to make sure you are thinking about installing. After all, that is one of the very best ways to have more natural light, and yet you can simply cover it up and you will be as you were. It’s a great thing to have in terms of giving you the options, so it’s something you might want to consider.